Hi saints
Hope you are all still blessed. I want to notify you of the changes to this blog. We have a new site now which can be accessed on http://www.freewebs.com/rhodessco2008 this is a very nice site where everything you need to know concerning Rhodes SCO will be there including the whole content that is in this blog currently, we will transfer it to the above mentioned site. The reasons for the chanegs are numbered but most importantly is that the site we have now is more advanced compared to this blog based on the fact that even this blog will be found there with more other information that can not be found on this blog. This means that we have lost nothing but gained more things! till we see each other in that site I can't wait getting your recommendations and critics on our new site.God bless you all, lovies Simm.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
The true Church of God and the Acceptance of homosexuality
Currently the Church of God whose head is Jesus Chrsit seem to be facing what can be seen as a "catastrophically era". When Paul is addressing the churches in Corinth his teachings were based in living a life that is pleasing to God. In many of his books he addresses the issues that were facing the church at that particular period of time. He adresses issues like divisions in the church, being the kind of servant that God desires, Immorality that existed in the church (a number of immoral acts is listed), things that we do yet defile ourselves such as sacrifices, he issues out warnings drawing from Israel's history, trying to show people the benefits of those who believe and stay in the Lord, the ways of worshiping God to name but few.
Our church today is not different from the church that existed during the time of Paul the only difference today are the people whom we believe that God has chosen to lead His flock who come against the word of God. there has been a number of cases where pastors, church leaders, believers publicly blasphemy God by pronouncing good what God declared SIN AND IMMORAL. The burning issue is the issue of homosexuality. People use to say that sin is sin no matter how little it might be but its price is death but the same people are the people who treat the sin of homosexuality with speacial treatment and dignity while God declared it evil.
Yes this issue have been discussed, discussed, discussed and discussed but not in depth with good interpretation from the scripture. This is causing a serious problem for the churh because our leaders are failing to prove that this act is evil and now they succumb to accepting homosexuals as they are. Here I might be sounding like a dog barking that they must not be allowed to worship God, but that is not the case. These people are the people whom God loves and destined for brighter future,hence we can not hate them but hate the act of homosexuality.
To make sense of the sin that they commit let me quote a passage in 1 Corinthians 6 verses 9-12. "9Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the SEXUAL IMMORALITY nor IDOLATERS nor ADULTERERS nor MALE PROSTITUTES nor HOMOSEXUAL offenders 10.nor THIEVES nor the GREEDY nor DRUNKARDS nor SLANDERERS nor SWINDLERS will inherit the kingdom of God. 11And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
Sexual Immorality
12"Everything is permissible for me"—but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible for me"—but I will not be mastered by anything. 13"Food for the stomach and the stomach for food"—but God will destroy them both. The body is not meant for sexual immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body". In this passage we find a number of sins that are condemned and homosexuality is of no exception therefore deserve no special treatment. but the situation is different in out churches, these people are said to be accepted, meaning that even the thieves,fornicators, prostitutes, people worshiping idols, anti-christs, devil worshipers must be accepted because they are created by God. By accepting homosexuality this sends the message that everything that is sin is created by God so all people who are involved must be accepted. Welcoming people is fine but the act should be condemned if we claim to be living according to Biblical principles.
I have a lot of scriptures specifically based on this issue of homosexuality, but I want to leave a room for debate and thoughts. Have your say, how do you see this issue of homosexuality and what do you think of the true church of God.
Born Gay?
The majority of homosexuals believe they were born “gay.” This belief often supplies them with comfort, relieving them of any responsibility to change. However, there is no solid scientific evidence that people are born homosexual. The overwhelming majority of gay people are completely normal genetically. They are fully male or female.http://www.pureintimacy.org/gr/homosexuality/a0000054.cfm The Four Components of Homosexuality which you can view them by visiting the above mentioned web then click 'ORIGINS OF HOMOSEXUALITY"
2.Psychic Response
A number of other verses you can look at are as follows: Leviticus 18:22; 20:13; Romans 1:26, 27; 1 Corinthians 6:9,10; and 1 Timothy 1:9,10. The Bible states clearly in five places that homosexual behavior is sin.Sexual lust and fantasy, both homosexual and heterosexual, are sinful according to God’s Word. "On the other hand, 1 Corinthians 10:13 assures us that temptation is not sin: “No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.”
Church accepting this kind of immoral act, is it the true church of God? are they still worshiping God who does not like homosexuality? should homosexuality be accepted or should people be accepted not homosexuality?Are they interpreting the Bible the way God intended it to be? because many people have their justification around interpretation of scriptures BUT with the help of the Holy Spirit we are able to desern when someone is interpreting his own feeling and emotions disguising with the word of God. Watch out, and stay alert. The church of God is being challenged and it is going down. God seeks the vessels He is going to use to turn things around, Giants who are going to face the devil and stand for the truth which is being sold daily by our leaders.Will you join the battle, be part of God's movememnt!
There are many battles to be fought, but “greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world.” Those who have done sociology or psychology you will know excatly that behaviour is influenced by the environmental factors, now! why only homosexuality is naturality? Scientists, sociologists, psychologists agree that you are not born as who you are now but the surrounding shapes you but when it comes to homosexuality they romanticise it that those people are born that way, aren't they confused of themselves- self contradictory? The purpose behind all this is to oppose God in whatever way that is possible otherwise that they know themselves and are doing it with full intentions as the Bible records that. Why is this homosexuality thing only against Christianity? doesn't it show that Christianity is real and now seek to demolish it? why they can't challenge Muslims,Hinduism and other religions about this issue? It is simple because of the fact that we are on the right track and what will not change people can not be challenged, we are challenged because we have an impact to the kingdom of the Devil. In a show I listened to recently they claim that the Bible need to be justified for todays' way of life and that God condemns homosexuality is "bullshit", yes that's what they say against God and we have to compromise and laugh our lungs out embracing such a blasphemy against our God.If they really would like to worship God why is it God who needs to change and do what will please them? Aren't they trying to equate themselves with God just the same thing their father 'Satan' did to be kicked out of Heaven? Why can't they just seek another god who will change his will to nurse their feelings? If God is unfair in condemning homosexuals in his word I think that the society is unfair as well by condemning the murderers who are the same as homosexuals to God by putting them in jail, they should be given their right as well to murder.As said homosexuality is not different from other sins but what sickens true Christians who will not accept it like me is because of the special treatment it receives, we never condone fornication than sexuality as some claim,but we look for the major sins that seem to overshadow the way people suppose to do things and speak against that demon and what I know is that your heart will be broken when some-one kicks your dog and that what happens when we speak against the demon of homosexuality the owner grumbles. The fact that the government, the society and even lecturers are for it does not qualify it or make it right to be accepted by God.
I feel like stopping talking on this but the issues mentioned in the show I listened really need to be addressed by us because they are about us. They say that God created people to populate the world and the world is over-populated now and the purpose is no longer valid therefore no reason not to accept homosexuality. What a carnal mind!!!One- God did not create people to populate the world but to worship Him, two- God was there in the beginning, He is still the same and He is still to come, therefore even if the time can change, things can change and people can change He remians the same God and His word will never change.I do not know really why people who do not want to be abide by God's commands can't find some one else to worship not my God because they are really confused they even claim that the Bible is not real, why would people persist to be accepted by what is not real?
I would like to warn the priests of the word of God-Malachi 2 verse 1-9 speaks to you priests, you really don't have to compromise if you ever had an experience of the Holy Spirit for he is the one who reveals these truths. You can decide now whether you pave your way to hell or stand for God, what does it help to please masses find honour on earth and get people love you but miss the Kingdom of God? Verse 17 of this chapter will clear up your minds for you to jurdge yourselves of what you do and say to the people. However, this is my own view and analysis of the word of God helped by the Holy Spirit. It is open to discussions!
God bless you as you voicing out your opinions and views.
Will be back in a short space of time, should you want to ask a question, feel free as well!
Our church today is not different from the church that existed during the time of Paul the only difference today are the people whom we believe that God has chosen to lead His flock who come against the word of God. there has been a number of cases where pastors, church leaders, believers publicly blasphemy God by pronouncing good what God declared SIN AND IMMORAL. The burning issue is the issue of homosexuality. People use to say that sin is sin no matter how little it might be but its price is death but the same people are the people who treat the sin of homosexuality with speacial treatment and dignity while God declared it evil.
Yes this issue have been discussed, discussed, discussed and discussed but not in depth with good interpretation from the scripture. This is causing a serious problem for the churh because our leaders are failing to prove that this act is evil and now they succumb to accepting homosexuals as they are. Here I might be sounding like a dog barking that they must not be allowed to worship God, but that is not the case. These people are the people whom God loves and destined for brighter future,hence we can not hate them but hate the act of homosexuality.
To make sense of the sin that they commit let me quote a passage in 1 Corinthians 6 verses 9-12. "9Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the SEXUAL IMMORALITY nor IDOLATERS nor ADULTERERS nor MALE PROSTITUTES nor HOMOSEXUAL offenders 10.nor THIEVES nor the GREEDY nor DRUNKARDS nor SLANDERERS nor SWINDLERS will inherit the kingdom of God. 11And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
Sexual Immorality
12"Everything is permissible for me"—but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible for me"—but I will not be mastered by anything. 13"Food for the stomach and the stomach for food"—but God will destroy them both. The body is not meant for sexual immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body". In this passage we find a number of sins that are condemned and homosexuality is of no exception therefore deserve no special treatment. but the situation is different in out churches, these people are said to be accepted, meaning that even the thieves,fornicators, prostitutes, people worshiping idols, anti-christs, devil worshipers must be accepted because they are created by God. By accepting homosexuality this sends the message that everything that is sin is created by God so all people who are involved must be accepted. Welcoming people is fine but the act should be condemned if we claim to be living according to Biblical principles.
I have a lot of scriptures specifically based on this issue of homosexuality, but I want to leave a room for debate and thoughts. Have your say, how do you see this issue of homosexuality and what do you think of the true church of God.
Born Gay?
The majority of homosexuals believe they were born “gay.” This belief often supplies them with comfort, relieving them of any responsibility to change. However, there is no solid scientific evidence that people are born homosexual. The overwhelming majority of gay people are completely normal genetically. They are fully male or female.http://www.pureintimacy.org/gr/homosexuality/a0000054.cfm The Four Components of Homosexuality which you can view them by visiting the above mentioned web then click 'ORIGINS OF HOMOSEXUALITY"
2.Psychic Response
A number of other verses you can look at are as follows: Leviticus 18:22; 20:13; Romans 1:26, 27; 1 Corinthians 6:9,10; and 1 Timothy 1:9,10. The Bible states clearly in five places that homosexual behavior is sin.Sexual lust and fantasy, both homosexual and heterosexual, are sinful according to God’s Word. "On the other hand, 1 Corinthians 10:13 assures us that temptation is not sin: “No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.”
Church accepting this kind of immoral act, is it the true church of God? are they still worshiping God who does not like homosexuality? should homosexuality be accepted or should people be accepted not homosexuality?Are they interpreting the Bible the way God intended it to be? because many people have their justification around interpretation of scriptures BUT with the help of the Holy Spirit we are able to desern when someone is interpreting his own feeling and emotions disguising with the word of God. Watch out, and stay alert. The church of God is being challenged and it is going down. God seeks the vessels He is going to use to turn things around, Giants who are going to face the devil and stand for the truth which is being sold daily by our leaders.Will you join the battle, be part of God's movememnt!
There are many battles to be fought, but “greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world.” Those who have done sociology or psychology you will know excatly that behaviour is influenced by the environmental factors, now! why only homosexuality is naturality? Scientists, sociologists, psychologists agree that you are not born as who you are now but the surrounding shapes you but when it comes to homosexuality they romanticise it that those people are born that way, aren't they confused of themselves- self contradictory? The purpose behind all this is to oppose God in whatever way that is possible otherwise that they know themselves and are doing it with full intentions as the Bible records that. Why is this homosexuality thing only against Christianity? doesn't it show that Christianity is real and now seek to demolish it? why they can't challenge Muslims,Hinduism and other religions about this issue? It is simple because of the fact that we are on the right track and what will not change people can not be challenged, we are challenged because we have an impact to the kingdom of the Devil. In a show I listened to recently they claim that the Bible need to be justified for todays' way of life and that God condemns homosexuality is "bullshit", yes that's what they say against God and we have to compromise and laugh our lungs out embracing such a blasphemy against our God.If they really would like to worship God why is it God who needs to change and do what will please them? Aren't they trying to equate themselves with God just the same thing their father 'Satan' did to be kicked out of Heaven? Why can't they just seek another god who will change his will to nurse their feelings? If God is unfair in condemning homosexuals in his word I think that the society is unfair as well by condemning the murderers who are the same as homosexuals to God by putting them in jail, they should be given their right as well to murder.As said homosexuality is not different from other sins but what sickens true Christians who will not accept it like me is because of the special treatment it receives, we never condone fornication than sexuality as some claim,but we look for the major sins that seem to overshadow the way people suppose to do things and speak against that demon and what I know is that your heart will be broken when some-one kicks your dog and that what happens when we speak against the demon of homosexuality the owner grumbles. The fact that the government, the society and even lecturers are for it does not qualify it or make it right to be accepted by God.
I feel like stopping talking on this but the issues mentioned in the show I listened really need to be addressed by us because they are about us. They say that God created people to populate the world and the world is over-populated now and the purpose is no longer valid therefore no reason not to accept homosexuality. What a carnal mind!!!One- God did not create people to populate the world but to worship Him, two- God was there in the beginning, He is still the same and He is still to come, therefore even if the time can change, things can change and people can change He remians the same God and His word will never change.I do not know really why people who do not want to be abide by God's commands can't find some one else to worship not my God because they are really confused they even claim that the Bible is not real, why would people persist to be accepted by what is not real?
I would like to warn the priests of the word of God-Malachi 2 verse 1-9 speaks to you priests, you really don't have to compromise if you ever had an experience of the Holy Spirit for he is the one who reveals these truths. You can decide now whether you pave your way to hell or stand for God, what does it help to please masses find honour on earth and get people love you but miss the Kingdom of God? Verse 17 of this chapter will clear up your minds for you to jurdge yourselves of what you do and say to the people. However, this is my own view and analysis of the word of God helped by the Holy Spirit. It is open to discussions!
God bless you as you voicing out your opinions and views.
Will be back in a short space of time, should you want to ask a question, feel free as well!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
The Heart of Worship part 2
Date; 30 April 2008
By Simphiwe Kanityi
Part 2
Trying to getting this done we need now to look at the scriptures and find why is worship so important and emphasised with such a great emphasis.
Psalm 29
1 Ascribe to the LORD, O mighty ones, ascribe to the LORD glory and strength. 2 Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name; worship the LORD in the splendour of his holiness. 3 The voice of the LORD is over the waters; the God of glory thunders,
the LORD thunders over the mighty waters. 4 The voice of the LORD is powerful;
the voice of the LORD is majestic. 5 The voice of the LORD breaks the cedars; the LORD breaks in pieces the cedars of Lebanon. 6 He makes Lebanon skip like a calf, Sirion like a young wild ox. 7 The voice of the LORD strikes with flashes of lightning. 8 The voice of the LORD shakes the desert; the LORD shakes the Desert of Kadesh. 9 The voice of the LORD twists the oaks and strips the forests bare. And in his temple all cry, "Glory!" 10 The LORD sits [d] enthroned over the flood; the LORD is enthroned as King forever. 11 The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace.
Rev 4 vs. 1-11= Worship Him because He is Holy
Psalm 96 vs. 8-9 = Worship Him because that is what due to His Name
While it is right to worship God privately and individually, it is equally important to worship Him publicly and corporate. It does not matter whether our worship is loud or soft, static or dynamic, conservative or charismatic. What God requires is that we give Him the Glory that is due to His name.
It does not matter whether you go in our country or other pars of the world – you belong to the family of God! Wherever Christians are found, they will always be worshipping God.
Luke 4 vs. 16 = Jesus regularly went to worship because it was His custom to do so you as well were created to worship that has to be your custom, do it regularly.
Hebrews 10 vs. 19 = it may come as a surprise for you to know that in God’s eyes all believers in Him are now Priests. Priests used to carry worship and praises for other people to God but now since the curtain was torn apart you have a right to decide to go in or to stay out and criticise people that they didn’t worship nicely today. You have a choice but to God we have the same right to stand in front of Him and give Him the adoration.
1 Peter 2 vs. 5, 9 = Now that you have heard you are guilty, take off the guilty by giving God the worship He deserves because you are chosen not by people but by God. When people say things about you I don’t see the reason that you would want to satisfy them what about the one who chose you.
Luke 22 vs. 17-20
One of the main functions of priest is to worship and serve God. It is also vitally important that you – as a worshiper partake in Holy Communion. I have seen so many worshipers when offered Holy Communion where they serve they shake their heads day after day and the people who do that are the people who are not in the right standing with God. If you are right with God why can’t you do that because it is part of worship, you say that God I remember what you have done through your son Jesus Christ.
Worship is a God thing not a good thing, it is the state of the heart not art so don’t spend time trying to make it appear very artistic but prepare the heart that when you do it you do it sincere.
Hope you'll make true and great worshipers! God bless you all.
Date; 30 April 2008
By Simphiwe Kanityi
Part 2
Trying to getting this done we need now to look at the scriptures and find why is worship so important and emphasised with such a great emphasis.
Psalm 29
1 Ascribe to the LORD, O mighty ones, ascribe to the LORD glory and strength. 2 Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name; worship the LORD in the splendour of his holiness. 3 The voice of the LORD is over the waters; the God of glory thunders,
the LORD thunders over the mighty waters. 4 The voice of the LORD is powerful;
the voice of the LORD is majestic. 5 The voice of the LORD breaks the cedars; the LORD breaks in pieces the cedars of Lebanon. 6 He makes Lebanon skip like a calf, Sirion like a young wild ox. 7 The voice of the LORD strikes with flashes of lightning. 8 The voice of the LORD shakes the desert; the LORD shakes the Desert of Kadesh. 9 The voice of the LORD twists the oaks and strips the forests bare. And in his temple all cry, "Glory!" 10 The LORD sits [d] enthroned over the flood; the LORD is enthroned as King forever. 11 The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace.
Rev 4 vs. 1-11= Worship Him because He is Holy
Psalm 96 vs. 8-9 = Worship Him because that is what due to His Name
While it is right to worship God privately and individually, it is equally important to worship Him publicly and corporate. It does not matter whether our worship is loud or soft, static or dynamic, conservative or charismatic. What God requires is that we give Him the Glory that is due to His name.
It does not matter whether you go in our country or other pars of the world – you belong to the family of God! Wherever Christians are found, they will always be worshipping God.
Luke 4 vs. 16 = Jesus regularly went to worship because it was His custom to do so you as well were created to worship that has to be your custom, do it regularly.
Hebrews 10 vs. 19 = it may come as a surprise for you to know that in God’s eyes all believers in Him are now Priests. Priests used to carry worship and praises for other people to God but now since the curtain was torn apart you have a right to decide to go in or to stay out and criticise people that they didn’t worship nicely today. You have a choice but to God we have the same right to stand in front of Him and give Him the adoration.
1 Peter 2 vs. 5, 9 = Now that you have heard you are guilty, take off the guilty by giving God the worship He deserves because you are chosen not by people but by God. When people say things about you I don’t see the reason that you would want to satisfy them what about the one who chose you.
Luke 22 vs. 17-20
One of the main functions of priest is to worship and serve God. It is also vitally important that you – as a worshiper partake in Holy Communion. I have seen so many worshipers when offered Holy Communion where they serve they shake their heads day after day and the people who do that are the people who are not in the right standing with God. If you are right with God why can’t you do that because it is part of worship, you say that God I remember what you have done through your son Jesus Christ.
Worship is a God thing not a good thing, it is the state of the heart not art so don’t spend time trying to make it appear very artistic but prepare the heart that when you do it you do it sincere.
Hope you'll make true and great worshipers! God bless you all.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
The Heart of Worship Part 1
As listening to this video clip, reading this publication I would like you to have a picture of why did God create you. I want you to listen to it very carefull and examine your way of worshiping, is it about God as for you? This publication is on worship since we just finishing our workshop on worship, this will help you to see that we do not exaggerate things but that is simply how they are or should be, after all it is not about us really.
Date: 23 April 2008
By Simphiwe Kanityi
Worship: Part 1
The homage (duty, service, honour) rendered to God (Exod. 20: 1–6) in gestures and appropriate words, but also, the prophets insisted, in ethical (moral) conduct (Amos 5: 21–2).
Whatever that I’ll be talking about I’ll be relating it on the key words on this definition. When talking of worship we need to know this:
1. Theirs is someone being worshiping
2. There are worshipers
3. There is worship itself
4. There are various ways of worshiping
The person we are worshiping is God alone, not angels, not pastors, not masses, not the person who is leading the worshiping team. This we need to get right because if you do not know whom you are worshiping, you tent to do things which are totally against the word of God because you are confused or were mislead on who is this that you are worshiping.
When you have a clear idea on who you are worshiping this automatically transforms you to a new being ready for worship. Some of the things that I’ll be nagging you about do not need to be said because only knowing the one you are worshiping puts you in a right position. Today, we are busy going around the same place, there is no progress, no movement we are like statues simply because people are not clear of whom they are worshiping.
When you are not clear what happens is that important things that are supposed to be preached are not because everyday we spend time correcting each other. When the food is not yet ready for the child there is what we call “iLibazisa” where the child is sucking void and that is the purpose of the devil, to delay you so that you will get tired and dropout, so that you’ll join the masses and mock against those truly trying to worship just to get them down and die. His purpose is that you do not reach a place God destined you to reach as to get the real blessings. Satan is showing you temporal treasures just shadows of what are real then you hold on that and never be able to get real things in life.
There is a best way we can go about to bring the best worship to God that He is expecting from us. It takes a heart that says that God amongst all these people here am I. It needs individuals who’ll say God I’m clear that this is about you. Sometimes we hear the noise that is around and think that worship is about us, then we start do it in such a way that will bring honour to ourselves, it is not about us and again we can do much better than what we are doing.
The reason why people can’t really reach the standard of worship God is requiring from them is simply because we all know too much, therefore, no-one can tell us what and how to do it, we know it anyway. We are so occupied with answers so there is nothing really to get from other people for we know it all. Another thing is that we are so matured as a result amongst us we can see those who can and can not lead us, we have got the best way we can go about in worshiping…we forget that it is about God not us.
We are so disobedient as a result even when God is talking, we think it’s those leading therefore there’s nothing new you can get from them because you know everything anyway.
Getting to the context of our workshop:
You may feel that you can’t gain anything from a person who comes from a different background than yourself but you will find that each worshiper will have something you can relate to.
Worship comes from studying the word of God. I always thought that I want to be a journalist but I didn’t count the costs of being a journalist. I thought it was only about studying towards your area of specialisation and get it done but I realised that what it takes to be a journalist is not just on a surface of my mind. The same applies for worship; you can not be the true worshiper if you do not study the word of God.
Why won’t many people express themselves in worship?
Undoubtedly, this is the question that has frustrated worship leaders and pastors for the past several hundred years. Why some ppl jump up and down in worship and some won’t even open their mouth to sing? If you are not well empowered as a worshiper you may leave the room or say to yourself that you won’t do it next time. But as a matured worshiper you’ll understand why, now I’m concerned to helping you being the best worshiper you can be.
Any good craftsman needs good tools to do his work. In order for him to create a quality project, he will need quality tools to do the best possible job. The same applies for worshipers you need a number of tools in your tool belt to accomplish this daunting (scary) task. Remember we don’t become great worshipers overnight!
As a worshiper you need to possess these tools:
o Respect- if you can not respect the person who is leading you how can you respect God whom you don’t even see? Regardless of age, status, background, family income, spiritual maturing and knowing too much, when God has loved for that person to be your leader that is not a mistake but if you can not respect yourself it is difficult to respect other people.
o Your personality and credibility- how do people view you? Do they see you a genuine worshiper? Do they respect and trust you? How do they see you outside of church, lectures, tutorials, in your meetings? If people do not have faith in you and believe in you, you will have a tough time. Work on your image and your relationships with people. I used this tool it is working for me even now.
o Prayer- prayer is an often overlooked tool that can be your greatest secret weapon. Worship and worship revival is a God thing and nothing we do outside of prayer will amount to much if you haven’t spent time praying for your worship team and leadership. This is not the duty for the worship team leader alone, she prays while you are jollying outside there and you come back to make things heavy for people who have spent time in prayer. God hears and He will honour your petitions.
o The worship team- no matter how hard the worship leader try or want to, she can not do everything. She is only one person and can only reach a certain number of people. We are gifted differently and we need to show up our gifts, imagine if Anelisa (Rhodes SCO Worship team leader) would have to take each one of us and ask for your gift and even tell you where and when to use it, you have to show it up, speak about it be excited, you doing it for God isn’t it? Team can reach out than individual person, as the team we need to suggest and be creative than criticising and not coming with constructive ways to move the monument.
o Media materials- if you have a video come with it and say guys this will help us in worshiping, don’t keep quiet. I know many people have good material but since they don’t like the worship leader they don’t bring those things. They keep on criticising so that you get tired and give up so they can find opportunity and use that material as to be regarded better than you. Worship is not about that but God, so anything that you have that will help people worship God in a good way bring it.
Worship heals, delivers, is a prophecy, brings life, the wetness, conquers, open doors, gives power, sets free and prompt God to do something.
So far I haven’t touched any scripture from the Bible because I want you to get right the concept of worship first and prepare the attitude of being a worshiper.
Many churches will have a great song service but lack in worship, what help does it have? You may rejoice in the Lord and go out but what about giving to God what He deserves. Worship is about giving to God not yourself.
Answer these questions:
Where are you and where are they?
What are you doing outside the worship times?
Are we the worship team leaders or performers?
As the leader, is the team on the same page as you?
You need to know that worship is not the art, but the heart condition; no matter how beautiful you can do it, how nice your voice is and what masses say about you, if it is not from the heart that is not worship. The heart worship goes and leads people to God not to admiring you.
No matter how difficult the situation might seem, there is still hope. It is not yet over. God is rising up worshipers who are going to worship Him in truth and in spirit. Are you willing to join that group of worshipers?
Till we meet for part two, God help you as you making sense of worship!
Friday, April 11, 2008
Fill the oceans

All streams flow into the sea, yet the sea is never full. To the place the streams come from, there they return again. This is the passage in the book of Ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 7. Now as Rhodes Students' Christian Organisation (SCO) this year, God has given us the mandate to look back to where we all come from. After God created human beings, the book of Genesis chapter 1 verse 28 says that - God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."
This shows that the source of all human beings is God -"the place the streams come from"- and when you look to what is happening all around the world, people behave as if they are the creators of life. There are wars across the world each one claiming to be more powerful than the other, but God's purpose is for us to lift one another up. People went so astray from God and this resulted to every sin that is out there. To open your mind to what happens when you are not in the source, John 15 vs 6 quotes Juses Himself saying that "If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned" and this is exactly what happens to all human race who abadons God.
Not only that, Jesus continues saying in part of verse 20 that "'No servant is greater than his master". So our purpose as SCO is to bring people back to where they come from, some returns but yet the ocean is never full, so we will continue preaching the same gospel as long as there are people who are not having any kind of relationship with God out there. The methods we go about in fulfilling this mission are numerous since God blesses each one of us with his/her gift. We do Evangelism-which on its own has many forms. You don't need microphones and instruments only to evangelise, you need to evangelise in the lecture rooms, dining halls, peer gatherings, to your friends, in the sport that your are playing, through the things you say with your mouth and through actions to name but few. So there are many ways of fulfilling this mission that God gave us.
Jesus says that when the streams return back to the ocean they need not only to return but to remain in the oncean. People return to God but they don't stay, why? I will address this "why" question in my next publication which is coming soon but Jesus clearly states that without remaining in the source, the Vine, there is nothing you can do. Here I am not referring to the fake, the shadow of things that people does because people will say that "I'm not in God but I can do ABC, that is not the real thing it is just a fake. A good example, look at our South African government as to see what happens when you do not remain in God. The Bible says that in Genesis 2 vs 18-25 "And the LORD God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.” Out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air, and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them. And whatever Adam called each living creature, that was its name. So Adam gave names to all cattle, to the birds of the air, and to every beast of the field. But for Adam there was not found a helper comparable to him. And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place. Then the rib which the LORD God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man. And Adam said: “This is now bone of my bones And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, Because she was taken out of Man.” Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed", but the government says that man to man, woman to woman is fine anyway.Leveticus 18 vs 22 God says "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination" then the government says you shall do it is a law and legally accepted. There are many other things showing that human went astray from the source of life- which is God. Our purpose is not to hate them but to bring them back to where they come from. Likewise, filling the oceans is not a small thing to do, you some times get tired along the way, it needs commitment and the fact that we accepted this challenge it means that we are in our senses and we have counted the costs involved and ready to face the enemy. Satan is not happy and he will never be as long as we live. It might be impossible according to human perspectives but to God and through Christ all His promises are Yes and Amen. Remeber in my next publication I will be addressing the question "why" do people not remain in God. In my other blog that is http://simphiwekanityi.blogspot.com I'll be delivering another publication titled "The calling of a servant leader". I will be back soon. God bless you as you getting these revelations :-)
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